This year (2024) we have opened our new primary-school on the compound that we have attained, side by side with the pre-school, that has already been finished. See the photos below of the development.

The New Classrooms Have Been Furnished

We are happy to provide brand new furniture for the classrooms of our primary school. Chairs and desks which have been manufactured by local craftsmen. This way we also contribute to the local economy.

New chairs for the primary school
The new chairs have come!

We consider it very important for the children entrusted to us to learn and practise hygiene. We ensure this by providing appropriate and clean restrooms.

Our New School Bus

With the help of donors and supporters we have been able to buy this coaster, refurbish it and turn it into a brand new looking bus which helps us to bring children to our pre and primary school.

Our school bus
Our school bus
School Campus after the building of the primary school
KAPP Campus. Note that the buildings for the primary school have been built.
Overview Campus
Campus as it is layed out and planned.
Primary School: New foundations laid.

Have a closer look at some of the facilities:

KAPP Kilolo Primary School
Layout of the primary-school classrooms, teachers’ office and administration.